Praises Unlimited!
An Independent Christian Praise Team
Celebrating 27 Years of Sharing Christ through Christian Music!
Celebrating 27 Years of Sharing Christ through Christian Music!

Jesus loves you! He paid the price of your salvation by dying on the cross and then rising again! Because He paid this price, you can live forever with Him! Hallelujah!
Praises Unlimited is an independent Christian Praise Team. Our mission is to use our musical talents to share the message of salvation anywhere, and with anyone we can! Sharing Christ through Christian Music is our motto and we strive to give the first fruits of our talents back to the Glory of God in everything we do.
Our programs feature Christian Music, video and readings from the Holy Bible presented in an entertaining and comfortable style. After our programs we always take time to meet and greet each resident and thank them for spending part of their day with us. We never force any material or literature on the residents, but we sometimes offer them a small remembrance of our visit and make available a large print copy of the Gospel of John. Each resident is free to accept or decline whatever we may offer.
Praises Unlimited is no longer touring. However, Mike and Perry still occasionally lead worship at the Paradox Teen Center in Oakridge TN.

From 1992 through 2008 our praise team provided worship music for over 830 Sunday church services.
In 2009 we were called by the Holy Spirit to take our music “on the road”. We began touring retirement communities in February of 2009, bringing them our unique style of multimedia program which includes video syncronized to Christian Music, Bible Readings, stories behind the songs, sing alongs, and our delightfully humorus banter! We don’t charge for our services and we don’t accept donations. Our average audience is 30 souls, but we have played to audiences as small as 5 and as large as 95.
From February 2009 thru December 2017 we were blessed with the opportunity to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ during 152 concerts with a cumulative attendence in excess of 5,500. All by the grace of God!
Our first tour in 2009 was a scaled down version of our theatrical style Easter Season program entitled Road to the Cross! which was presented on a limited number of dates in February and March of that year. This multimedia musical program takes the audience from Jesus entry to Jerusalem, through the Last Supper, Crucifixion and finally to His resurrection on Easter morning! It features a wide variety of musical styles all performed live with drums, keyboard and the wonderful vocal talents of the team. Many songs are syncronized to videos which are projected on our screen and we display the lyrics of some of the songs to give folks the opportunity to sing along with us! This program was revised in 2011 and rebranded “Alive!” The revision allowed us to focus the second half of the Alive program on the good news of Easter, which is Jesus resurrection! Jesus is God’s Son who came to earth as a man to suffer and die for our sins, so that we can have eternal life with Him in heaven after we die an earthly death!
There is only ONE WAY to salavation and eternal life in heaven and that is by accepting JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Saviour!